Your strong partners for Odoo

We would like to briefly introduce ourselves here:

Your partner network for Odoo

Kontaktieren Sie uns
  • Odoo introduction
  • Odoo basic training
  • Odoo app development
  • Odoo introduction
  • Odoo basic training
  • financial accounting consulting
  • Odoo introduction
  • Odoo app development
  • Odoo interfaces
  • company strategy
  • transformation
  • digitalization
  • AI-integration

Let´s get in contact 

Book an appointment and visit us at our exhibition booth. We give you a very personal insight into our services and apps.

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 Our apps for Odoo

DATEV import

import of posting records from DATEV to Odoo:

  • outgoing invoices
  • incoming invoices
  • bank postings
  • other posting records
  • individual import period
  • no duplicate imports
  • saved and available imports

DATEV export

export of posting records from Odoo to DATEV:

  • outgoing invoices
  • incoming invoices
  • bank postings
  • other posting records
  • individual export period
  • no duplicate exports
  • saved and available exports 

DATEV masterdata

export of masterdata from Odoo to DATEV:

  • debtors
  • creditors

German Documents

documents according to German standard and with customized layout:

  • documents for all processes (customer quotation, invoice, purchase order a.s.o.)
  • printing on letter paper
  • individual texts and fonts
  • multicompany
  • sale layout
  • and more

Automatic Partner Account 

separate customer and vendor accounting numbers:

  • using individual customer and vendor accounting numbers
  • automatic assignment of customer and vendor accounting numbers
  • possibility to use customer accounting numbers as partner references


export of employee data to DATEV:

  • martial status
  • nationality
  • date of entry and exit
  • children`s data
  • transfer company personnel number
  • and more


report booklet for trainees in Odoo:

  • writing weekly reports
  • direct submission to the trainer
  • overview of signed and unsigned reports
  • convenient export of reports in pdf format
  • and more


synchronization of software from the Gitlab/Github with the digital products in Odoo:

  • connecting products and Git repositories
  • using webhooks to update the content in Odoo quickly after updates in Git
  • automated query of repositories
  • sending emails to customers, when previously purchased products get updated (in progress)

Creative Assistant

AI-Tools in Odoo:

  • automated e-mail processing
  • automated creation of product descriptions
  • HR support (job advertisement, letters of recommendation)
  • project planning
  • and more

Please visit our shop

 Find out more about our new apps. We have only presented a selection of our range here.

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